Wednesday 3 April 2013

Brilliant Drama Movies - II

I am Sam
I am Sam is a movie about a mentally retarded man whose aging process stops unusually leaving him with the mind of a 7 year old. He has to now fight for custody of his 7 year old daughter against CPS who call him unfit to provide for his child. His case is fortunately taken up by a first-rate lawyer whose own world is crumbling down. In the process of the legal battle, he teaches the callous lawyer the meaning of love and affection. The movie especially illustrates strong performances by Dakota fanning, Sean Penn and Dianne Wiest. A drama film must in every drama fan’s collection.

Lucy: [being observed] I want no other daddy but you.
[turns to the glass] Lucy: [shouts] Did you hear that? I said I didn't want any other daddy but him. Why don't you write that down ?

My Sister's keeper
Based on the book, My sister’s keeper is nothing but a big fat tear jerker film. If you want to drive your eyes to suicide by drowning, then watch this film. It’s driven by an unusual concept of raising a new child for the purpose of reviving their elder leukemia stricken daughter. The new child now seeks medical emancipation from her parents and the movie centers on the legal battle between her and her parents while getting lost simultaneously into the leukemia stricken daughter’s memories. 

“You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.” 
― Jodi Picult, My sisters keeper.


The Perks of being a Wallflower

Emma Watson <3. Based on the novel by Stephen Chbosky, The perks of being a wallflower is Is an uplifting and poignant story of an anxious teen who just entered high school. He is not of the kind who wants to live the life of a party, but rather an introverted kid who just wants to get along with everyone. The movie is a roller coaster of emotions taking us through the highs and lows of an adolescent kid, literally.  The casting done is impeccable, though many might not consider it exactly realistic. Logan Lerman as the main protagonist, Charlie, Emma Watson as the ever beautiful, Sam, and the best of all Ezra Miller as, Patrick pulled off their characters flawlessly. The movie surprisingly strikes a perfect balance between being too dramatic or too preachy and creates for itself a wonderful individual experience of its own nature. The movie is riddled with Strong emotions and nostalgic music. It’s a fresh movie rather than the same old high school drama; bringing out unknown realities of such adolescents into the limelight. It teaches us to participate in life and that we are more than what we have been called or limited down to and that we are truly infinite.

Overall, the author cum director has done an excellent job with the movie and duly deserves a standing ovation. This is a definite must watch and its all the more better and beautiful, if one can relate to it.


"I can see it. This one moment when you know you're not a sad story. You are alive and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you're listening to that song on that drive with the people you love most in this world. And in this moment, I swear, we are infinite." - charlie

"We all deserve the love that we think we deserve" - Charlie


Brilliant Drama Movies - I

Life today has become so composite and complex and we unfortunately get dragged into the same droning race without even realizing it. By the time we try to conceive where we are headed, it would be too late. The most dismaying part is that in this age, it is not only the adults who we would presume are stuck in this dilemma, but even children as young as who can’t multiply 25 times 2 all the way to teenagers fraught to get over with their college applications. What the underlying message I’m trying to convey is that we are losing the ability to appreciate, imagine and find true affection. And Hence drama movies, let us give up all these unnecessary worries and divulge into a land of make believe or reality, however you like it and expresses our innermost desires and ambitions in the most beautiful of ways.

Finding Neverland
I have personally never read peter pan, but I must say that the way this movie was beautifully engineered to, will melt any living creature's heart and lift his soul to an incredible new world. Based on the true story of Barrie’s interaction with the Davies family and how it inspired him to create peter pan. Johnny Depp portraying Sir Matthew Barrie as the main protagonist as usual does a stupendous job and, I don’t think anyone else could have pulled it off better.  His control over the emotions he needs to play out as a writer absorbing natural input from reality into the land of make believe was incredulous.  The gorgeous Kate Winslet as the widow mother who finds new purpose in life with her introduction to Barrie also carries out her role as elegantly as she always does. The movie teaches us to embrace adult realities but also to embrace childlike imagination to deal with life and its obstacles.

"Young boys should never be sent to bed... they always wake up a day older " ~ J.M. Barrie

The Help
The help is an Oscar winning drama and it rightly deserves it. It is about an author who in the 1960’s during the American civil rights movement writes a book about white families through an African- American maid’s point of view. The movie is beautiful, heart wrenching and will definitely get to your heart. The hardships endured by the maids and stigma they went through every day is represented wonderfully through the two maids, Aibileen and Minny. With elements of comedy; Beautiful and strong performances, you will not be disappointed and will be left with a wide smile on your face with watery eyes. Towards the end, when you finally get to the main protagonist's maids story, get ready with a bucket. Octavia spencer's acting as Minny was marvelous and she rightly deserved her Sscar. Please, Do watch this wonderful movie.

" Am i going to believe all those bad things, dem fools say about me Today " - Constantine
Aibileen (to young girl): You is kind… You is smart… You is important. -- Most memorable line from the movie
" Eat my Shit.......  Run Minny Runnn... "

Related Posts- Brilliant Drama Movies - II

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